¿Quieres Servir? Would you like to serve?
Por favor proporcione su información e identifique las areas que desea servir en nuestra familia de fe.
Please provide your information and identify the areas where you would like to serve with our faith family.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Number
Phone Number
Date of Birth
Home Address
Home City
Home State
Home Zip Code
¿Cómo le gustaría servir? How would you like to serve?
Música/Canto (Music/Singing)
Preparación de Facilidades (Preparing Sunday Facilities)
Líder de Grupos Pequeños (Small Group Leader)
Evangelismo (Evangelizing)
Oración/Intercesión (Prayer & Intercession)
Ministerio de Niños (Children Ministry)
Ministerio de Jóvenes (Youth Ministry)
Ministerio de Alcance (Outreach Ministry)
Tecnología (Technology and Media)
Comentarios Adicionales (Additional Comments)